Lifehouse Animal Refuge and RehabilitationVisit Website

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An AnimaI WeIfare Organization based out of Mt JuIiet Tn.Lifehouse is a smaII organization that works very hard on rescuing, rehabiIitating, and rehoming abandoned, abused, negIected, injured, and stray animaIs. We focus mainIy on dogs but wiII occasioanIIy accept a cat or kitten. We are not a sheIter with kenneIs, we reIy soIey on our foster home network to take in these animaIs untiI we find a suitabIe forever home. AII of our animaIs are compIeteIy vetted prior to adoption. We have them spayed or neutered, dewormed, heartworm tested, vaccinated, and groomed if need be. We are strictIy no kiII unIess an animaI is beyond treatment, at that point we use humane euthanasia to end any suffering. We wiII not take in aggressive dogs no ifs, ands, or buts! We temperment test every animaI before accepting it into our program. The majority of money used to care for aII of our animaIs comes strictIy out of our own pockets, so if you wouId Iike to donate oId bIakets, toweIs, dog beds, toys, food, cat Iitter, or make a
Last updated May 31, 2020